Wednesday, December 4, 2019


He's in a prison cell, rapping. Audiotrainer Deutschtrainer Die Bienenretter. A cassette then falls back to earth. He's really working the crowd. A march in Cologne to protest Turkey's assault on a Kurdish region of Syria has come to an end. This makes him unpopular with the authorities. serhado xeyala evin

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serhado xeyala evin

He's ecin working the crowd. The music video starts with a boy who throws a dove up in the air. He's pumping his fist defiantly. Globalization Rapper aims to give Kurdish people hope Serhado is trying to give Kurds around the world a reason to be proud of their music.

On the stage a small figure jumps from side to side, leaning forward to the crowd and singing. He's in a prison cell, rapping. The crowd is singing in unison, the beat is deafening. In southeastern Serhadi, Serhado concerts often draw large crowds of Kurds who know Serhado's music by heart.

Rapper aims to give Kurdish people hope

You can find more information in our data protection declaration. It's all about giving people here a positive experience, he says. Change it here DW. Murat Yapistiran is a fan of Serhado's work.

serhado xeyala evin

It is home to a million Kurds. Serhado is performing at a Kurdish refugee camp in Iraq. Before long, the whole crowd is singing along. Derhado is trying to give Kurds around the world a reason to be proud of their music. A Swedish musician with Kurdish roots, the 27 year old rapper is famous amongst the Kurdish diaspora and reviled by Istanbul. Serhado's music is borne out of the Kurdish tradition of Dengbeji music, he says.

It's not music xxeyala I'd say we were very familiar with," he told DW. The boy then runs to give it to a friend who works at a radio station but he is stopped and arrested by the police.

Kurdish prisoners in Turkey end two-month hunger strike Xwyala than Kurdish prisoners in Turkey have stopped refusing food after more than two months. The song is typical Serhado and features a combination of modern lyrics with traditional folk music. The music video, which is viewable on Youtube, was shot in the backstreets of Diyarbakir, a city in the heart of the Kurdish region of Turkey.

COM in 30 languages. Turkish journalists face stiff sentences seryado reporting on Kurds As the trial of 44 journalists accused of being members of a Kurdish guerrilla group gets under way in Turkey, it has revived the debate on press and political freedoms.

A march in Cologne to protest Turkey's assault on a Kurdish region of Syria has come to an end. Serhado is a keen advocate of Kurds obtaining autonomy, something which the Turkish government has traditionally ruled out.

Serhado xeyala evin

He works as a sound technician at a Kurdish music studio in Istanbul and he's already noticed the effects of Serhado's success. The group is considered a terrorist organisation by many countries around the world. A cassette then falls back to earth. As the trial of 44 journalists accused of being members of a Kurdish guerrilla group gets under way in Turkey, it has revived the debate on press and political freedoms. Young fans climb to find a good viewing point at a Serhado performance.

For the chorus, the recorded voice of Suleyman Sedhado, a PKK guerilla fighter who was killed in fighting inbooms out from the speakers. Two years later he made a follow-up album, Xeyala Evin, Dream of Love. COM has chosen English as your language setting.

This makes him unpopular with the authorities. But, performing in Turkey is still sometimes a problem.

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