Friday, November 29, 2019


Let's test out the Modded Minecraft Tech Support close reason. Game Directory left to its default [ I haven't investigated this detail yet, but it's something not covered by the other question. I asked the new launcher to install beta 1. It doesn't matter that there's nothing else. Vex Vex 11 2 2 bronze badges. My testing shows that although the version of 1. minecraft single player world edit 1.4.5

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Hopefully you have a backup of some version earlier than 1. It doesn't matter that there's nothing else.

Asked 6 years ago. That only covers installing mods for the current plsyer of the game in the new launcher.

WorldEdit Mod / (In-Game Voxel Map Editor) -

All four of these configurations failed the test: Yeah, I like the new launcher a lot, and it's a shame old mods don't all work with the jars it provides, and old original jars won't use the Game Directory setting which is so ediy to keep modded saves separate. I thought it unlikely, but worth testing.

Then I installed SPC version 1. You should simply create a new folder in the. The new launcher doesn't create a bin though, so what should I do?

WorldEdit Mod 1.14.4/1.12.2 (In-Game Voxel Map Editor)

The results of these tests lead me to believe that SPC for 1. Game Directory left to its default [ Singleplayer commands however still specifically looks in the bin folder for the worldedit.

Sinble only takes a minute to sign up. I asked the new launcher to install beta 1.

minecraft single player world edit 1.4.5

Two possible solutions, one hard, one unlikely Therefore, in order to use WorldEdit with an old beta, either you will have to go and find a backup of 1. Unforunately, MCNostalgia hasn't been updated since Minecraft 1. How to install mods for the new Minecraft launcher 4 answers. I've been using the new minecraft launcher to play and old version, beta 1.

Installing mods for older versions in the new launcher could be very different, depending on whether those versions are exactly the same as they used to be, or whether Mojang has altered them to use the new Game Directory model. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms.

minecraft single player world edit 1.4.5

Therefore, in order to use WorldEdit with an old beta, either you will have to go and find a backup of 1. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. My testing shows that although the version of 1. Active 6 years ago. Mojang has updated the betas and probably alphas in order for them to use the new folder layout and launcher options, which has apparently broken whatever mechanism SPC used to load WorldEdit in the original older versions.

I was just hoping it would be easier to just use the new launcher to flip around the versions.

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Minectaft, I already have a beta 1. I haven't investigated this detail yet, but it's something not covered by the other question. Vex Vex 11 2 2 bronze badges.

minecraft single player world edit 1.4.5

Initial testing I tested this by creating a new profile and asking for version "old beta" 1. This question already has an answer here: Let's test out the Modded Minecraft Tech Support close reason. I would like to use single player commands but one of the mod files needs to go into the bin folder.

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